Access to over 6 million primary care and sub-specialty physicians across over 30 clinical areas Access to over 6 million primary care and sub-specialty physicians across over 33 clinical areas
Our audience
Healthcare expertise represented within Medscape's audience
Our audience at a quick glance
A mix of both primary and secondary-care nurses, nurse prescribers, midwives, and community nurses. A mix of both primary and secondary-care nurses, nurse prescribers, midwives, and community nurses.
Practice-based, medicines management and community/retail pharmacists
Clinical commissioners and payers
Includes a community of PCN Clinical Directors, formulary committee members, and roles at ICSs and STPs across the UK.
Other healthcare professionals
A mix of allied health professionals, from dentists to health care administrators and physician assistants.

The Medscape Professional Network
As the largest online platform for physicians worldwide, Medscape provides healthcare professionals with easy access to relevant global healthcare information, as well as reliable regional and local healthcare content, plus in-language versions in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. As a result of this seamless, interconnected network, we can reach more healthcare professionals at critical points in their daily clinical journey.
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